
Ceramic Coating

Adding a ceramic coat to your paintwork, vinyl wrap, wheels, and brake callipers has many advantages. It can be a cost-effective way to keep your vehicle looking ultra-glossy and help keep your maintenance and cleaning to a minimum. Industry-grade ceramic coating is a chemical polymer solution applied to a vehicle's exterior to protect it from minor external damage. Once applied, it blends with the paint or vinyl on your car and creates an additional hydrophobic layer of protection.

UV & Colour Fade Protection

The sun’s UV rays can cause huge amounts of damage to your car’s paintwork or vinyl wrap. Ceramic coating will protect your car’s paint from oxidising, preventing fading, wearing and becoming dull over time. Ceramic over vinyl will keep its colour strong and vibrant, just like the day you had it wrapped.

If you keep your car outside, a ceramic coat is essential.

Protection From Chemical Stains

Chemical stains from acidic contaminants are more common than you think and can cause long-lasting damage to your vehicle’s exterior. A ceramic coat will protect from bird droppings and tree sap and make removing contaminants easy.

Hydrophobic: Ease of Cleaning

A ceramic coat will add a hydrophobic layer to your car’s exterior, and unlike wax or polish, you don’t have to worry about the polymer wearing off. Not only does it blend with your vehicle’s paint or wrap, but it also repels water. Any water-based dirt or grime will bead on the surface and eventually slide off. A quick jet wash will be enough to keep your vehicle looking spotless.


A well-applied ceramic coat will add depth to your car’s paintwork or wrap. It will give your vehicle a lasting glossy look, bringing back the best from your exterior.